Active Participles in Spoken Russian


  • Antonina A. Zagorodniuk Saint-Petersburg State University Russia, 199304, Saint-Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb., 7-9



The article is devoted to the analysis of active participles and participial constructions functioning in spoken Russian as predicated and predicative complicators of the sentence. The discursive connection is observed between monologue spoken utterances containing participles and written discourse, which reveals interdiscursive infl uence of written Russian speech onto spoken Russian. In the introduction to the article the author deals with the stylistic status of active participles, as well as its syntactic functions (secondary predicate, main predicate, attribute), and hypothesizes that active participles usage in the context of the oral speech can give an insight into the predicative status of these linguistic phenomena. The study observes 185 spoken texts, characterized by spontaneous communication and informal situation, and analyzes 350 instances of active participles usage. The aim of the study is to reveal the specifi c features of active participles usage in spoken Russian. As a result, the following characteristics of active participles were identifi ed: when functioning as main predicates or attributes (which are usually assumed to have lost their predicative meaning in these positions) they actualize their predicative status by indicating the taxis of the sentence, in particular, the meaning of perfect tense of active past participles. The analysis of active participles functioning in spoken Russian demonstrated their primordial usage in semi-predicative complexes in monologues. Automaticity in the usage of such participles in spoken Russian as a secondary predicate of the sentence indicates the high level of language profi ciency of the speaker and their belonging to the book culture. Th is connection correlates with the notion of discursive formation, which determines not only the reproduction of a particular type of knowledge originating from written discourse in oral speech, but also the coding of this knowledge by the means of written discourse, the latter being the most appropriate for its expression


active participle, oral speech, written discourse, interdiscursivity, discursive formation


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How to Cite

Zagorodniuk, A. A. (2021). Active Participles in Spoken Russian. The World of Russian Word, (1), 23–29.


