Philology at the Siberian Federal University: the Present Creates the Future


  • Evgeniya E. Anisimova School of Philology and Language Communication, Siberian Federal University 82A, Svobodny Pr., Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 660041
  • Tatiana K. Verenich School of Philology and Language Communication, Siberian Federal University 82A, Svobodny Pr., Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 660041
  • Irina V. Evseeva School of Philology and Language Communication, Siberian Federal University 82A, Svobodny Pr., Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 660041



The article analyzes the key directions of the development in philology (i.e. language and literature studies) at the Siberian Federal University, which was established in 2006. The philological achievements of the School of Philology and Language Communication scholars undoubtedly go back to research and traditions laid down by the scholars of Krasnoyarsk State University, which served as the base for the foundation of a federal university. The main emphasis in the article is made on the characterization of the current state of philological scholarship at the university, focused on solving theoretical and applied problems of linguistics and literary criticism. Linguistics at SibFU is aimed mostly at solving interdisciplinary problems of cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, linguoculturology, and discourse studies. Particular attention is paid to the problems of speech and language ecology. The university actively develops a new area of studies, the linguistics of informational psychological war. The area of interests of SibFU literary scholars is related to the problems of plot typology, literary canon, genre studies, sociology of literary evolution, regional studies, comparative studies of Russian and foreign (Western) literature. One of the most important directions of Krasnoyarsk scholars is their orientation towards linguistic and didactic activities, teaching Russian as a foreign language. In order to promote and popularize the Russian language and culture among foreign citizens in Russia and abroad, Russian Open Education Centre “” was established at SibFU.


philology, theoretical and applied linguistics, literary criticism, speech communication, linguoculturology, linguoecology, linguistics of information-psychological war, literary regionalism, Ivan Bunin studies, Russian as a foreign language


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How to Cite

Anisimova, E. E., Verenich, T. K., & Evseeva, I. V. . (2021). Philology at the Siberian Federal University: the Present Creates the Future. The World of Russian Word, (4), 108–120.



Language and culture