Russian studies in the Crimean federal university named after Vladimir I. Vernadsky


  • Iurii V. Dorofeev V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
  • Roman V. Zabashta V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University



The article discusses the key directions of development of Russian studies at the Crimean Federal University named after Vladimir I. Vernadsky. This university is the successor of the Tauride University, leading its history since 1918. A brief historical background on the origin and development of Russian studies at the Crimean University allows the authors to highlight the early stages of the development of the Faculty of History and Philology. The article notes that a characteristic feature of the development of Russian studies at the Crimean University was the work in it at an early historical stage of major philologists, such as A. M. Lukyanenko, V. I. Borkovsky, A. I. Germanovich, whose professional activities made it possible to make a significant contribution to the development of Russian and Slavic linguistics and thereby lay a fertile basis for both the training of teaching staff and the development of scholarly schools in the future. Such scholarly directions and linguistic schools formed at the Crimean University are characterized as the scholarly direction “Onomatopoetic aspect of language" by Professor Alexander I. Germanovich, the scholarly school “Methodology and theory of linguistics” by Professor Viktor N. Migirin, the scholarly school “Lexical and categorical semantics” by Professor Oleg M. Sokolov , scholarly direction “Teaching Russian as a foreign language and linguistic and cultural studies” by A. A. Solovieva,
T. A. Yashchenko, E. M. Sapozhnikova and others, Crimean School of Functional Linguistics of Professor Alexander N. Rudyakov. The article describes also research and applied projects implemented by the Crimean Russianists in 2014–2022.


philology, Russian studies, theoretical and applied linguistics, function, functional linguistics, Crimean school of functional linguistics, Russophony, geo-Russian studies, variant of the Russian language, linguistic and regional studies, functional linguodidactics, semanteme, functional literacy


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How to Cite

Dorofeev, I. V., & Zabashta, R. V. (2022). Russian studies in the Crimean federal university named after Vladimir I. Vernadsky. The World of Russian Word, (2), 113–120.



Language and culture