A new format for the presentation of control and measuring materials in Russian as a foreign language for the First certification level (using the example of a biomedical training profile)


  • Anna S. Ivanova RUDN University
  • Irina A. Dinevich RUDN University
  • Galina N. Myers RUDN University




The article is devoted to the description of the content of control and measuring materials implemented in the exam in Russian as a foreign language (the First certification level) for foreign students of a medical and biological profile. The control in the testing format is actively used in modern practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The advantages of tests in comparison with other forms of control are obvious: the objectivity and quality of evaluation of results, standardization of the testing procedure, and others. The existing standard tests check the level of students’ communicative competence on the basis of general knowledge and are universal for different user groups. The specifics of training foreign students at preparatory faculties and departments of universities of the Russian Federation require testing of communication skills and abilities in the educational and professional sphere of communication. To take into account the complex tasks of final assessment and all aspects of training foreign students, combined (in terms of content) test materials were created and tested, oriented towards various training profiles. When creating them, the authors focused on the criteria for proficiency in Russian as a foreign language, that are presented in the requirements (volume and genre of tests, number of unfamiliar words, etc.). The article presents the structure of each of the subtests, justifies the selection of a task, and provides examples of tasks reflecting the lexical and grammatical specifics of the educational and professional sphere of communication in all types of speech activity. Statistical data on exams show that foreign students are very successful in completing the Russian as a Foreign Language exam in a combined form, which allows us to conclude that it is possible to use a comprehensive test at level B1.


Russian as a foreign language, foreign students, First certification level, medical and biological profile, comprehensive test, control and measuring materials


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How to Cite

Ivanova, A. S., Dinevich, I. A., & Myers, G. N. (2025). A new format for the presentation of control and measuring materials in Russian as a foreign language for the First certification level (using the example of a biomedical training profile). The World of Russian Word, (3), 110–120. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu30.2024.312


