Theoretical and Lexicographical Aspects of Anthroponyms’ Studies in Riddles, Proverbs and Idioms
Based on the author’s dictionary “Slovar’ sobstvennyh imyon v russkih zagadkah, poslovicah, pogovorkah i idiomah” (“The Dictionary of Proper Names in Russian Riddles, Proverbs, Popular Sayings, and Idioms”), the article explains the principle “to validate language theory through lexicography”. It argues that the key notions of linguistic and linguocultural studies are reflected in the language of the dictionary. Properties of names, their form and their function in riddles, proverbs, and idioms are represented in the structure of an entry, which is somewhat different for each of them due to semiotic peculiarities of linguistic and folklore material. Proper names function differently in riddles, proverbs, and idioms, referentially belonging to the topical area of culture. Full coverage of onyms (proper names) enables to disprove the idea of the ostensibly inevitable apellativisation of anthroponyms as constituents of figurative units, as well as to define various types of allusive names in riddles, proverbs, and idioms. The dictionary reveals properties of onyms within proverbial genres and figurative units. It represents the main theoretical tenets and postulates on linguistic and cultural functions of proper names, establishing their role in the categorization and typing of the world, as well as describing onyms as signs of the anthropological cultural code.
dictionary, theoretical tenets, language, culture, anthroponyms, riddles, proverbs, idioms
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Аникин 1966 — Аникин В. П. Возникновение жанров в фольклоре (к определению понятия жанра и его признаков). В кн.: Русский фольклор. Специфика фольклорных жанров. Т. IX. М.-Л.: Наука, 1966. С. 29–42.
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