The Landscape Code of Russian Culture in Educational Dictionary Created for Foreign Philology Students




The article is devoted to the problem of landscape code of Russian culture lexicographic description in teaching advanced Chinese philology students Russian as a foreign language. At present, the culture codes linguistic description contributes to the explication of hidden cultural meanings, coded for foreigners studying the Russian language even at the high level. The “decoding” of hidden meanings requires purposeful work, without this work complete cultural information comprehension is impossible. The appeal to the culture code as a study subject is especially relevant for teaching philology students, since it is assumed that philologists should have the ability not only to perceive the different texts content, but also to penetrate into the Russian word imagery, into its value potential and understand the estimation justification. After analyzing the existing studies, one can conclude that the landscape culture code is one of the main codes, it has a significant impact on the national character, mentality, picture of the world and the linguistic picture of the world of the Russian linguocultural community. The landscape kinds names have not yet become the subject of a purposeful methodological description, and the corresponding lexical-semantic group has not been identified in ideological dictionaries. In this regard, applying the component analysis method we determined the lexical-semantic group “Names of landscape kinds” volume and structure and the educational group of the same names, including 8 subgroups. The article proposes an educational lexicographic description of the verbal landscape culture code represented by the lexical-semantic group. The dictionary entry of the educational dictionary “Verbal culture codes in the language vocabulary” has a multicomponent structure. The selected zones of the dictionary entry (interpretation, synonyms, associations, epithets, etc.) contribute to the Russian culture code “decoding”, which is especially relevant in methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language to Chinese philology students.


verbal code of culture, Russian as a foreign language teaching methods, landscape code of culture, lexicography, educational dictionary


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How to Cite

Koyupchenko, P. N. (2024). The Landscape Code of Russian Culture in Educational Dictionary Created for Foreign Philology Students . The World of Russian Word, (3), 102–111.


