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Author Guidelines

1.1. Original theoretical and scientific-methodical articles in Russian on topical problems of linguistics, cultural linguistics, literary criticism and methods of teaching Russian as a native, non-native and foreign language are accepted for publication in the scientific and methodological journal "World of the Russian Word". Research articles and critical scientific reviews proposed for publication must be original, previously unpublished and completed works of authorship.

1.2. To publish an article, it is required that:
— the article contains scientific novelty of the problem set and innovation in the approach to the topic under study;
— the author has provided correct references to existing and referenced scientific concepts and works;
— the article has a clear indication of the applied research methods and techniques;
— the article is factually and historically accurate (the author must check the accuracy of citations);
— the text of the article corresponds to the scientific style of presentation;
— the structure of the presentation of the material is logical.

1.3. The editorial board does not consider materials:
— submitted in paper form;
— recorded on flash cards, disks and other electronic media;
— sent from e-mail addresses of third parties;
— having signs of plagiarism in all forms of its manifestation, including self-plagiarism and self-citation, i.e. literal borrowings by the author from their own publications, including from publications on the rights of manuscripts (author's dissertations and abstracts), without references to the original source or executed in violation of the established citation rules.

1.4. The editorial office accepts articles in electronic form (doc or rtf format). Illustrations (pictures, graphs, diagrams, etc.) are additionally provided in separate files (jpeg or tiff with a resolution of at least 300 dpi). All figures should be numbered and titled, and the texts should contain references to them. For all illustrations, the source or author of the illustration must be indicated.

1.5. Articles containing all the necessary data are accepted:
— information about the author (name, place of work, address of work, academic degree, title, position, contact e-mail address, contact phone number (not published)) in Russian and English;
— title, abstract (200–250 words). The abstract should not repeat literally the text of the article. It should be consistently and logically structured in accordance with the norms for the presentation of scientific results. It should clearly indicate: the problem to be solved by the author (the purpose of the article); material and methods of the research; conclusions achieved or proved by the author; novelty / personal contribution of the author to the solution of the problem. Excessive theorizing is not allowed in the annotation; it should reflect the essence of the research.
— keywords (up to seven) in Russian and English: words and phrases that are central to understanding the content of the article and clearly indicate its correlation with a certain subject area and scientific directions of linguistics or literary criticism. At least one keyword must be from the title of the article.
— a photograph of the author (a contrasting jpeg or tiff file, at least 4x5 cm in size and with a resolution of at least 300 dpi);
— a completed and signed license agreement (the completed agreement must be printed in two copies, signed, sent in a scanned form along with a set of documents).

1.6. Articles of 25,000–40,000 characters with spaces are accepted for publication. Thematic and substantive specifics of the article should be clearly reflected in headings of its structural sections:
1. Introduction.
2. Purpose.
3. The state of the research into the issue. Methods. (Results).
4. Discussion (internal heading is acceptable, highlighting subheadings reflecting the course of the research).
5. Conclusions / Summary.

Additional commenting notes are formatted as automatic endnotes if required. References to literature are made in the text in square brackets with the author's surname, e.g. [Ivanov 2000] or [Petrov 2005: 56–57].

1.7. Bibliography (in alphabetical order) is placed after the text of the article.

After the text of the article and reference and illustrative materials, there should be unnumbered alphabetic lists “Bibliography” and “References”, including a detailed bibliographic description of the scientific works used (monographs, scientific articles, reviews, dissertations). First, literature in Russian is indicated in alphabetical order, then literature in foreign languages. The recommended volume of the “Bibliography” list is no more than 30 titles.

The “Bibliography” and “References” sections should not include the sources used in writing the work (both published and archived), works of art, dictionaries, normative and educational literature, a large number of electronic resources. Links to these sources are made in the section “Sources”, “Reference Materials” or “Dictionaries and Reference Books”, etc.

The lists are drawn up in the form of an unnumbered list of bibliographic records, arranged in alphabetical order of the names of the authors; several works of the same author are arranged under his surname in the chronological order of publication from the earliest to the latest; first, Russian-language sources are indicated, then sources in other languages in the following order: languages using the Cyrillic alphabet, languages using the Latin alphabet, Arabic script, Chinese characters, and others.

In the original bibliography, in all references, except for references to works in Russian and in the main European languages (English, German, French), the language of publication is indicated at the end of the bibliographic description. In the transliterated version of the list (References), an indication of the publication language is added only in cases where the source is published in a language that uses a writing system other than Latin (Cyrillic, hieroglyphs, Arabic script, etc.), an indication of the language is added to the description of publications (In Russian), (In Chinese).

To create a transliterated list of Russian-language sources, it is required use the automatic transliteration program available at Transliteration should be done in the Library Congress (LC) system.

The bibliographic record is preceded by the name of the author and the year of publication (or creation — at the discretion of the author of the article) of the work, which are separated from the bibliographic record with a dash, for example, "Lipovetsky 1997 – ". In the “References” section, information about the language is added if the original text is not in Latin.

Bibliographic records should be drawn up according to the following rules:

I. Monograph; collective monograph; selected works of one author; thesis

In “Bibliography” section:
Автор ГГГГ — Автор А. А. Название. Редактор А. А. (ред.). Сер.: Название серии. Место издания: Название издательства, ГГГГ. xx c.

Берков 2011 — Берков В. П. Работы по языкознанию. СПб.: Филол. фак. С.-Петер. гос. ун-та, 2011. 652 c.

In “References” section:
Author YYYY — Avtor А. А. Title (translated into English, in italics). Redaktor A. A. (ed.). Ser.: Nazvanie serii (transliteration). Place of publication (name of the city, in extenso): Nazvanie izdatelstva (transliteration) Publ., YYYY. xx p. (Language)

Berkov 2011 — Berkov V.P. Works on linguistics. St. Petersburg: Filol. fak. S.-Peterb. gos. un-ta Publ., 2011. 652 p. (In Russian)

II. Articles in collections of scientific papers (including in selected works of one author), materials of conferences and in other collective scientific publications (including academic ones), introductory articles to academic editions of artistic, philosophical and scientific texts

In “Bibliography” section:

Автор ГГГГ — Автор А. А. Название статьи. В кн./сб.: Автор А. А. Название произведения (сборника). Редактор А. А. (ред.). Сер.: Название серии. Место издания: Название издательства, ГГГГ. С. хх–хх.

Кисилиер 2010 — Кисилиер М. Л. Что такое — язык поэтической традиции? В поисках подходов к языку греческой поэтической традиции. В сб.: Поэтика традиции: сборник научных трудов. СПб.: Европейский дом, 2010. С. 45–67.


Author YYYY — Avtor А. А. Title of the article (name of the article translated into English). In: Nazvanie zhurnala (transliteration, in italics). Place of publication (name of the city, in extenso): Nazvanie izdatelstva (transliteration) Publ., YYYY. P. xx–xx. (Language)

Kisilier 2010 — Kisilier M. L. What is the language of poetic tradition? In search of approaches to the language of the Greek poetic tradition. In: Poetika traditsii: sbornik nauchnykh trudov. St. Petersburg: Evropeiskii dom Publ., 2010. P. 45–67. (In Russian)

III. Articles in journals and other periodicals

Автор ГГГГ — Автор А. А. Название статьи. Название журнала. ГГГГ, том (номер/выпуск): xx-xx.

Молодыченко 2014 — Молодыченко Е.Н. Когнитивное моделирование реализации эмоционального аспекта речевого воздействия. Вопросы когнитивной лингвистики. 2014, (3): 78–85.


Author YYYY — Avtor А. А. Title of the article (name of the article translated into English. Nazvanie zhurnala (transliteration). YYYY, volume (issue): xx-xx. (Language) Example:
Molodychenko 2014 — Molodychenko Е.N. Cognitive modelling of emotion-targeted persuasion. Voprosi kognitivnoi lingvistiki. 2014, (3): 78–85. (In Russian)

IV. Translated publications

They are drawn up according to the general rules for the bibliography. “References” section should indicate the author's surname in the original spelling; the title of the work is given in translation into English, or in the original spelling, if the source is in one of the main European languages.

In “Bibliography” section:
Барт 1994 — Барт Р. Миф сегодня [1975]. В кн.: Барт Р. Избранные работы: семиотика, поэтика. Перев. с франц. С. Зенкина. М.: Прогресс, 1994. С. 222–224.

In “References” section:
Барт 1994 — Barthes R. Le mythe, aujourd'hui. In: Barthes R. Izbrannye raboty: Semiotika. Poetika. Transl. from French by S. Zenkin. Moscow: Progress Publ., 1994. P. 222–224. (In Russian)

1.8. The set of materials, drawn up in accordance with the requirements, is sent in electronic form only to the e-mail of the editorial office (

1.9. Submitted manuscripts are reviewed at editorial meetings once or twice a month. In case of non-compliance with these requirements, the editorial board has the right not to consider the manuscript. In case of compliance with the subject of the journal and these these requirements, the manuscript is submitted for review.


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License agreement


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