The Wanderins in the North as a Spiritual Feat: St. Varlaam Keretsky and Russian Traveler Fedor Konyukhov


  • Marina Yu. Elepova Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, 163002, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Severnaya Dvina Emb., 17



The article discusses the life of Varlaam Keretsky, the Saint from the Russian Arctic region, who made his feat of the penitential three-year journey in the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean; and also the spiritual meaning of the travels of the famous Russian extreme sports lover Fedor Konyukhov — the admirer and the heir of the marine works of St. Varlaam. The author exploits ethnocultural, ethnogeographic and religious studies approaches. Arctic voyage, staying in the water element of the northern latitudes is marked in the “Life of St. Varlaam” and in Konyukhov's works in a single metaphysical and axiological key as a form of ascetic act. In the unique hagiobiography of Varlaam Keretsky, his continuous sea voyage with the corpse of his wife killed by him appears as a penance unheard in the Christian world, which leads him to attain sainthood. The miracles made by the saint as an element of the hagiographic discourse are mostly associated with salvation on the waters, which determined the status of St. Varlaam as the patron saint of Pomor seafarers in the Russian North. Fedor Konyukhov, whose father was Pomor, becomes not only an admirer of the feat of St. Varlaam as an expert in northern hagiography, but followed in his footsteps in conquering the oceanic elements. The central idea of his books on northern travels is acquiring penitential self- knowledge and knowledge of God. Th e author highlights specific features of Konyukhov's writings as examples of spiritual prose: theocentrism, didacticism, Christian spiritual and moral value paradigm, biblical reminiscences. In addition, there are also special marks of hagiographic discourse: stories about miracles and visions. Sometimes the hero appears as a participant of the events of sacred history. The wanderings of the 16th century saint and the traveler of our time in the North are regarded as the paths to the primary phenomenon of Christian religious experience.


St. Varlaam Keretsky, Fedor Konyukhov, the Polar and Arctic area, pilgrimage phenomenon, hagiographic traditions, spiritual prose


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How to Cite

Elepova, M. Y. (2021). The Wanderins in the North as a Spiritual Feat: St. Varlaam Keretsky and Russian Traveler Fedor Konyukhov. The World of Russian Word, (3), 50–58.



Language and literature