Fundamentals of Functional-Semantic Direction in Linguistics in Their Relation to Teaching Russian Language as The Content of a Problematic Seminar for Master’s Degree Students


  • Zulfi ia F. Iusupova Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University Kazan, Kremlevskaya str., 18



The article is devoted to the foundations of the functional semantic direction in the study of language and the possibilities of using its theses in the methodology of Russian language teaching at high school and the university. In accordance with the program of the eponymous course of lectures for master’s degree students, developed by the author of the article, a problematic seminar aimed at improving the linguistic and communicative competence of students and increasing the level of their research training was introduced into the teaching practice. The author has developed a methodology for organizing a problematic seminar for the first-year master’s degree students of the “Teaching Russian Language and Literature in High School and Universities” program. The material of the research was the works on the functional grammar of the Russian language, as well as research on the functional semantic approach in linguistic methods. As the implementation of the proposed theses, the article presents a system of guidelines for the study of parts of speech in the functional and semantic aspect for the 5-7th grades of high school.


Russian language, linguistic methodology, functional-semantic approach, nominal parts of speech, problem seminar, master’s degree students


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How to Cite

Iusupova, Z. ia F. (2021). Fundamentals of Functional-Semantic Direction in Linguistics in Their Relation to Teaching Russian Language as The Content of a Problematic Seminar for Master’s Degree Students. The World of Russian Word, (2), 98–104.


