Training Students in Analytical and Synthetic Methods of Working With a Scientific Text in the Classes of Russian as a Foreign Language (on the Example of Writing Annotation, Abstract, Review)


  • Olga A. Kazmina Southwest university, College of Foreign Languages, Russian language and literature department, Center of Russian-Speaking Countries 2, Tiansheng Road, Beibei, Chongqing, PR China, 400715
  • Mariia V. Matveeva Derzhavin Tambov State University 33, Internatsionalnaya Str., Tambov, Russia, 392000
  • Viktoriia V. Patanina Russian State Institute of Performing Arts 34 , Mokhovaya St., St.Petersburg, Russia, 1911028



The article studies the possibility of teaching foreign senior university students to write texts belonging to secondary genres, such as annotations, abstracts, reviews, in the class of Russian as a foreign language; the research is based on the material of the scientific texts related to students’ specialties. The main attention is focused on the problem of analytical and synthetic processing of primary texts with their linguistic and didactic potential. The relevance of teaching these skills and abilities is dictated not only by curricula, but also by the peculiarities of the digital age, where speed, brevity and unambiguity are highly valued. The purpose of the article is to describe the methods of writing and using of secondary texts of scientific genres as linguistic, didactic and methodological material that contributes to the students’ mastery of the linguistic means of the scientific style, the skills of creating their own scientific texts of various genres. As the material under study were selected articles of scientific and popular science genre on medicine, literary criticism and journalism. When drawing up tasks for working on texts, the authors were using the method of document’s analytical and syntactic processing. In order to realize linguistic and methodological potential of the texts related to students’ specialties, the authors have created different exercises intended to be done before reading, in the process of reading and after reading; these tasks correspond to B2 level of language training. The system of language and speech exercises based on the analysis of texts, which is part of the structure of the linguistic and didactic analysis of the secondary text, would help foreign students to form knowledge about the genre features of the scientific style and the structure of the annotation, abstract and review. The development of these skills occurs in the interconnection of all speech activities. Foreign students will develop skills of analyzing socially significant problems and processes, of logical, semantic and argumentative analysis of the text, highlighting the main and secondary information, the ability to convey information verbally and in writing in accordance with a certain algorithm for folding information and transmitting it into the secondary text. The novelty of the work lies in the identification of the linguistic and methodological potential of scientific articles in the process of development of the language related to students’ specialties and the systematic study of secondary genres of scientific discourse.


Russian as a foreign language, scientific text, secondary text, annotation, abstract, review


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How to Cite

Kazmina, O. A. ., Matveeva, M. V., & Patanina, V. V. (2021). Training Students in Analytical and Synthetic Methods of Working With a Scientific Text in the Classes of Russian as a Foreign Language (on the Example of Writing Annotation, Abstract, Review). The World of Russian Word, (4), 82–92.


