The Russian Language of Professional Communication: Linguistic and Linguodidactic Aspects
The article deals with the problems of functioning and description of the Russian language in the professional sphere of communication in the real and virtual environment, the principles of description of the meta-languages of professional communication, as well as linguistic and linguodidactic foundations of teaching Russian as a foreign language in educational-professional and professional spheres. The retrospective of the formation and development of the categorical thesaurus of the linguistic representation of the professional sphere of communication allowed us to justify the definition of professional communication metalanguage adopted in this study and to formulate the principles of its description of professional communication metalanguages (thematic and situational conditioning, conceptual, intensional and style systems of the metalanguage). The conducted research has shown that metalanguages of professional communication, depending on the communication environment (real or virtual), use different linguistic means to verbalize intents, which led, firstly, to the formation of a hybrid form of spoken and written speech in the virtual environment, secondly, to the removal of restrictions on the normativity of professional speech, thirdly, to the mixing of genres of texts of spoken and written speech. According to the authors, the noted linguistic features of the current state of metalanguages of professional communication should be taken into account in the development of linguistic materials for teaching Russian language of professional communication and language of specialty, between which there are significant differences, the objectives and content of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Special attention is paid to socio-cultural competence when learning the metalanguage of professional communication and the language of specialty, expediency of using the professional-oriented and linguocultural approaches in its formation has been substantiated. Based on the analysis of the manuals textbooks, the need to create a bank of model texts and language materials for each level of Russian language of professional competence from A2 to C1 was proved.
Russian language of professional communication, metalanguage of professional communication, language of specialty, real/virtual communication environment, media text
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