Linguistic and cognitive development of students within the course of Russian language and speech culture: 10 steps to mastering complex texts (Part 2)


  • Marina Yu. Sidorova Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article demonstrates and substantiates the methodology of linguistic and cognitive development of students in the course “Russian language and culture of speech”, aimed at the interrelated formation of three necessary groups of competencies: 1) correlation of the text with the fragment of reality verbalized in it; 2) work with texts of a level of complexity that increases upon reaching adulthood and transition to higher professional education (including not only linguistic, but also psychological readiness to perceive such texts); 3) readiness to realize the rights and obligations of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the range of which is also growing as the students grow up. The inadequacy of these competencies, which are not formed at the stage of secondary education, serves, in our opinion, as the main obstacle to successful university studies and self-realization of students in modern society. The motivation of students is ensured by the relevance and diversity of the analyzed texts (from the materials of the traffic police exam to lyrical poetry) and compliance with the dialectical principle of movement in a spiral, from simple to complex, with a return to the already studied material at the next “round” of development. The advantage of the proposed approach is the ability to “adjust” to the specified three areas of competence formation all traditional and necessary activities in the course of the Russian language and culture of speech (working with a dictionary, group discussion, etc.). Of the three parameters of text complexity (syntactic, lexical, communicative), the main attention in the article is paid to the first. The author’s original methodology, based on the functional and communicative grammar of the Russian language and the data of modern psycholinguistics, has been successfully tested at various faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University and implemented in the textbook “There are no more difficult texts”.


Russian language, speech culture, text complexity, higher education, axiological text analysis, teaching methods


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How to Cite

Sidorova, M. Y. (2025). Linguistic and cognitive development of students within the course of Russian language and speech culture: 10 steps to mastering complex texts (Part 2). The World of Russian Word, (3), 88–99.


