Linguistic methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language on the example of the thematic group “Toys”


  • Lyudmila V. Kotane Vladimir State University



This article is practice-oriented and discusses the possible vectors of using the vocabulary included in the thematic group “Toys” in teaching children Russian as a foreign language at the elementary and basic levels: when learning the alphabet, mastering reading skills, studying grammatical material (masculine and feminine nouns and adjectives, possessive pronouns, conjugation of verbs), as well as when replenishing the lexical base. The importance of the emotional involvement of students in the cognitive process and the provision of this condition through the choice of the described techniques based on lexemes related to the thematic group (TG) “Toys” are emphasized. As a language material, two thematic areas of the typology of the TG “Toys” are used, artificial and virtual. The article proposes methodological methods for compiling tasks on the topics “Appearance”, “Character” and shows the possibility of using words and phrases-distributors to concretize and describe a toy/object. In addition, examples of tasks developed on the basis of the vocabulary of the thematic area “Virtual Toys” are given, which are aimed at mastering the accusative, instrumental and prepositional cases, past tense forms. In this article, the author shares the results of an experimental course of Russian as a foreign language, using the linguistic techniques listed above. The course was held in a language school in Latvia for children aged 9–11 (the native language of the students is Latvian). 16 students were studying according to the traditional program and 16 were studying according to the program “Learning Russian by playing Minecraft”. To assess the effectiveness of mastering Russian as a foreign language, in addition to assessing the skills of speaking, reading, writing and understanding, the author introduces additional criteria, linguistic soft skills (soft language skills): reaction/ response speed, confidence in the communication process, the use of distributors. The results showed that with a relatively equal successful mastering of the curriculum in groups based on the program based on the vocabulary of a computer game, students better remember the vocabulary and grammatical structures of the Russian language, and also speak more confidently and take part in communicative situations with greater involvement.


thematic group, typology, toys, linguistic techniques, computer games, Russian as a foreign language, virtual toys, methodical experiment


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How to Cite

Kotane, L. V. (2025). Linguistic methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language on the example of the thematic group “Toys”. The World of Russian Word, (3), 100–109.


