Methodical Problems of Oratory


  • Anatoliy V. Steshov Военно-космическая академия имени А. Ф. Можайского
  • Maria A. Steshova Санкт-Петербургский гуманитарный университет профсоюзов



The article sets out the content of a little-studied section of rhetorical science — oratory, mastering knowledge of which can lead to the highest level of rhetorical competence, the rhetorical art. The concept of public persuasive speech and parameters of its style for perfect orators are considered. Three methodical problems of oratory that have not yet been solved are discussed. The first problem is that there is no idea about the oratory method. For all sections, kinds and types of rhetoric there can be the only one method, therefore, as a solution of this problem, it is proposed to consider the model of oratory method as identical to the model of rhetoric method. The second problem is the lack of development of the conception of rhetorical invention as the first stage of rhetorical canon. Relying on the model of oratory method and the law of rhetorical speech, the authors are presenting the solution of this problem in the form of a graphic scheme of the conception of invention as a complex of settings for thinking according to the method. The third problem of oratory is the neсessity to determine the methodology of development of persuasive speech idea. Based on the conception of rhetorical invention, the visual scheme of unified construction of ideas is developed. The authors’ visual models are applied to explain three methodical problems of oratory as the highest section of rhetoric, which constitutes the novelty of the research. So far as oratory is at crossroads of many fundamental and speech sciences, the author’s research methodology is based on the symbolic approach as one of directions of synergetics. Graphic models made it possible to develop the methodology of teaching rhetoric according to the classical canon of Aristotle’s rhetoric, what is necessary for the formation of rhetorical competence of a speaker.


oratory, public persuasive speech, rhetorical competence, persuasion paradigm, model of oratory method, conception of rhetorical invention, speech idea


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How to Cite

Steshov, A. V., & Steshova, M. A. (2024). Methodical Problems of Oratory. The World of Russian Word, (4), 4–15.


